Assessment Revolution

Assessment effectiveness:
               Attitude: Yes, the disposition of the students that participated in the control group, completing assessments using m-learning where more satisfied with the learning objectives despite the fact the objectives never changed. The only thing that changed was how they used technology to gain insight into their conceptual understanding a questionnaire allowed them to pin-point where they needed to practice more, dig deeper and challenge their own understanding of the content. They were more gratified by the flexibility and mobility of the assessment tool, being that it wasn’t a paper and pencil test in a formal setting, sitting in a classroom (Duncan et al., 2012).
           The higher attitude rating tells us that technology enables students to have a more positive learning experience, where it is more student-centered and less anxiety is placed on the “grades” as the outcome" (Coulby, 2009, p. 2).
More Tools
          FLAG is a assessment strategy developed to assess a students progress toward conceptual, attitudinal, and performance-based course goals. And FLAG only continues to expand to help educators learn to assess and expand on what is appropriate to evaluate student understanding in a student-centered environment with project based learning modules (Millar, 2006).
What are the challenges?
         Work-based placements for different undergraduate and graduate students mean students are learning away from campus, and in order to assess their understanding in real time, distant learning assessments can be administered and made available from mobile devices, tablets and laptops alike, giving students direct access to their professors from a distance. The only challenge is controlling the learners experience and adapting to the individual needs of the students who are often in different clinical type settings. The other challenge is making sure differentiated instruction is tailored to ensure the lessons are engaging, interesting and challenge the students to use technology to grow academically, when outside the classroom. The final challenge is motivational challenges. Students need to find intrinsic value in the learning material, and m-learning and distance educators cannot control the motivational influences of the student body through external rewards alone (De Marcos, 2010).


Coulby, C., Hennessey, S., Davies, N., & Fuller, R. (2009). The use of mobile technology for work-          based assessment ... Retrieved June 5, 2017, from    4687311FA79E3E3526971&rd=1&h=FuVEIZ6ib9c8E5GhayVSU8lYAX7LO3kD80QRHJd4A            FU&v=1&,5062.1

De-Marcos, L., Hilera, J. R., Barchino, R., Jiménez, L., Martínez, J. J., Gutiérrez, J. A., . . . Otón, S.           (2010). An experiment for improving students performance in secondary and tertiary       education by means of m-learning auto-assessment. Retrieved June 07, 2017, from

Duncan, M. J., Vandelanotte, C., Rosenkranz, R. R., Caperchione, C. M., Ding, H., Ellison, M., . . . Mummery, W. K. (2012, August 15). Effectiveness of a website and mobile phone based physical activity and nutrition intervention for middle-aged males: Trial protocol and baseline           findings of the ManUp Study. Retrieved June 05, 2017, from   

Millar , S. (2006). FOCUS "Assessment tools for distance education". Retrieved June 06, 2017, from


  1. Sharee,

    Thank you for your video blog post for the week. You provided some great information. The FLAG online assessment tool sounds interesting and useful. I will certainly be looking further into how this program works and has such a positive impact on student learning. Any tool which can provide students feedback in the ways you described is worth looking into further. Hopefully programs such as these are the way of the future and are adopted in a broader fashion. We need to stop drilling students on facts and truly measure what they are learning. Look forward to continue hearing your blog posts and working together on the collaborative project.



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