EDUC 639 The muddiest points

Hey Team,


The muddiest points:

Modern Piracy is taking the intellectual work of others. The ease of access to information online and the fair use act which allows for published works to be accessed freely make it difficult to protect all the intellectual property rights of others (Huthwaite & Thomas, 2013).

I personally do not want my identity stolen, and that goes for my work as well. That is why I continue to improve my study habits, note taking skills and even how and where I store information on my computer in order to avoid plagiarism.


Sorry this is being posted a bit late, we have a ton of work and some major issues happening with our internet service provider. I digress. I am humbled that I am able to have access to the internet in a rural area in Mexico.

I am so excited about our literature review, I have completed 4 pages and references, and I am working on the 5 wiki questions.

My video is taking exceptionally long to upload, so as soon as that comes up, I will update this post!

Take care,



Huthwaite, & Thomas. (2013). High stakes on the digital high seas: Copyright and piracy in the 21st century . Journal of the Intellectual and Industrial Property Society of Australia and New Zealand , (93), 9-28. Retrieved August 4, 2017, from;dn=424144880765282;res=IELHSS

Mansoor, F., & Ameen, K. (2016). Promoting academic integrity in south asian research culture: The case of pakistani academic institutions. South Asian Studies, 31(2), 77-90. Retrieved from


  1. Hey Sheree, I think it is important to do all to avoid plagiarism in all our writings giving credit to where credit is due. I think teaching students about how to make thought their own without giving credit to others when it is due. Dr. David Brown made a compelling case for copyright issues that can occur in the technology and distance learning environment that needs to be watched for. God calls us as believers to study to show thy self-approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). This would apply to our Spiritual relationship with God. It makes for a rightful idea as we operate in our profession.
    Brown, D. (2010). Ask the experts: Dr. David Brown. Liberty University video retrieved

  2. Sharee, great post! I did not even think about identity theft. The copywrite parameters and safe assign are all for our protection and those who conducted the research we are reviewing. I do not want my identity stolen either. Now the one thing I have not looked into was plagiarizing yourself. I've submitted papers that have been similar, but the professor has said if you have written this same paper for another class, just make note on the paper so it doesn't get returned to you as plagiarism. That would be something to look more into. Thanks for your post and insights.

  3. You point out important facts about avoiding plagiarism and copyright infringement by sticking to APA standards. I found the details of copyright law to be the muddiest area so far. Even though Dr. Veak did a wonderful job of presenting more detail than I have previously learned, the depth of detail involved in the law makes it hard to simplify. I think he summed things up well in stating that we should assume that work is protected if we are not certain. You mentioned acquiring software to check your own work and assist in editing. I think that’s a great idea and would like to know what program you are using. The only software I have used in the past were subscription based programs for my job or those supplied by the university I was attending at the time. I think it would be wonderful to use this as a tool in the way you described to guide editing and assist in analyzing work in order to push the end product to a higher level. Thanks for your post


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