Problem-Bases Learning

Teachers are finding the number of state and national standards that have to be accomplished within one academic school year to be overwhelming, however, “problem scenarios effectively incorporate multiple standards across many subjects areas within one PBL experience” (Quartaroli, Sherman, 2016, p. 58 ). The different scenarios allow teachers to use relevant experiences which can move students along a continuum from novice to experts in less time. The Lord designed us to use critical thinking skills (Dr. Willis & Newman, 2012).  2 Timothy 1:7 says “for God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (KJV).

In a diverse classroom, standard tests and assessments are not going to work as a one-size-fits-all strategy, thus, problem based learning allows teachers “to utilize in-depth assessments of students learning, in addition to conventional tests, providing a more complete picture of student progress and performance” (Quartaroli, Sherman, 2016). Sharp (2012) says “not only do students have diverse learning styles but varying bio-cognitive cycles as well…provide students with opportunities to showcase their individual talents.”

A group called the “Partnership for 21st Century Skills” reinforces that 21st century knowledge and skills are necessary in order to face higher education and career challenges in a globally competitive workforce (Quartaroli, Sherman, 2016). Here they have identity the diverse student population needs:

1.     Core Themes:

a.      Global awareness

b.     Financial, economic, business and entrepreneurial literacy

c.      Civic literary

d.     Health literacy

2.     Learning &Innovation Skills

a.      Creativity & innovation

b.     Critical thinking

c.      Problem-solving

d.     Communication & collaboration

3.     Information, Media & Technology Skills

a.      Information literacy

b.     Media literacy

c.      ICT = Information, communications & Technology literacy

4.     Life and Career Skills

a.      Flexibility & adaptability

b.     Self-direction & self-initiative

c.      Social & Cross Cultural skills

d.     Productivity & accountability

e.      Leadership

f.      Responsibility

       In a diverse student learning environment, PBL is going to be the most successful way for teachers to address the majority of the 21st century skills listed above. Technology integration is going to allow students to access the differentiated materials they need for PBL and provide opportunities for them to learn with the technology they are already familiar with.


Dr. Willis, & Newman, E. (2012). Bible teaching about critical thinking. Retrieved May 10, 2017, from

Quartaroli, M., & Sherman, F. (2016). Problem-based Learning: Valuing cultural diversity in science education with native students . Retrieved May 10, 2017, from

Sharp , A. (2012). Problem-based learning. Retrieved May 10, 2017, from


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