How can a culturally-relevant online education model be used to bring unity to students

Hi Everyone,

Blog 1
Distance Education Etiquette

As a Christian educator, I am looking to enhance learning by first teaching distance education etiquette. Students today are exposed to a plethora of mass media, and have been given free access to the web and all of its contents without any need to communicate formally or respectably. This draws my attention as I work with students at a distance. Students need etiquette and guide-lines to learn to be responsible digital citizens.

One way to ensure students are being respectful is to discuss the cultural and diverse backgrounds of students and teachers and set standards in the community discussion board.

Etiquette includes:

·       Formal language. Avoid slang, jargon and inappropriate language

·       Staying focused on the content: Students should discuss the content of the course and use their experience to help inform others of their experiences, only.

·       Following course guidelines: Use peer-reviewed citations and other valuable work.

·       Following course guidelines: Stay within the word-count for initial thread and response.

Furthermore, teaching etiquette in distance education classrooms encourages students to continue to use respect and integrity outside of the classroom. This is not so different from the educational intentions and expectations that are required in a traditional school setting. To ensure the unity of students from diverse backgrounds while still meeting the needs of a specific culture, we must encourage students to focus on the content they are learning.

Personal Experience

From my experience, student diversity has enhanced learning, and if we can encourage students to view cultural differences from this prospective, we in-turn are encouraging growth in the economy and encourage innovation and global cooperation/ communication. Technology can be used for an educational benefit. 2 Corinthians 4:15 says “all this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God (NIV).


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